Salina Walking Tours
Salina, the most elegant and green island of the archipelago, full of vegetation, gardens and vineyards.
1) Fossa delle Felci: Moderate-Difficult. Duration 5h. Altitude 968m a.s.l. Fossa delle Felci offers different trails with different levels of difficulty. Each side is spectacular and from the top it shows a view of all the other islands.
2) Vallespina: Easy-Moderate. Duration 3h. Altitude 350 m a.s.l. Starting from Leni, this route is a middle mountain route. Towards west it offers a beautiful view of the sunset watching Filicudi and Alicudi. It can be combined with a food experience at a shelter house along the way.
3) Pollara, an easy walk along a trail reaching a fisherman village and the house of The Postman. Duration 1.5 hour. Caper tasting is available along the walk.